Introducing our Newest Formula!
Policool 4.5 is designed for use in the UNO Disc repair machine. This formula was specifically designed to repair Blu-Ray Discs including next generation 4K Blu-Ray Discs (which contain special hard coats). This new formula is fully backward compatible to all standard disc types such as CDs, DVD’s Playstation 1,2,3 X-Box 360, Nintendo Wii, Karaoke Discs, Record able CDs & DVDs as well as most all other popular standard disc types. It
Policool is currently the ONLY Product on the Market that can repair Both Blu-Ray as well as other Disc Types without special attention.
The Kit includes a PoliCool Liquid Micro Abrasive cartridge with a single Polishing Pad. The same pad is used for all depths of scratches. There is no need to change out several pads to repair deep scratches. (Simply select a longer polish time cycle to remove deeper scratches). The kit’s usage is measured automatically by the machine in seconds of repair time. The repair process takes as little as 30 seconds to perform an average repair. Each kit lasts 6600 seconds or up to 220 Discs.